Start planning your Thanksgiving menu and let me help!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Cookermom followers! I hope you enjoy some of my favorite Thanksgiving sides! I have had several people ask me how I make my stuffing, expecting some gourmet concoction but I make mine just the way my mom and aunt did, cheap white bread cut up (should be day old or slightly toasted in the oven), saute finely diced onions and celery in butter, add poultry seasoning, mix with bread, moisten with a little chicken stock and stuff the bird, bake the remaining stuffing in a covered casserole dish and of course that stuffing is never as good as what is in the bird! Next, are the sweet potatoes, no marshmallows here, just baked in the oven until soft, slice open and lots of butter! Rolls, let me talk rolls! We can not get enough of Rhodes White Dinner Rolls (they can be found at most grocery stores) they come as frozen little balls that need to rise for several hours, oil a sheet pan and place frozen balls, leaving enough room for the rolls to double in size, cover with an oiled sheet of plastic wrap (make sure it does not stick or the rolls will collapse) and just set aside to rise and bake. I promise you you won't be able to get enough of them, it is the most requested Thanksgiving side by my boys! Having turkey issues, Butterball has their turkey hotline; Butterball - Turkey Talk-Line
Phone Number: 1-800-BUTTERBALL (1-800-288-8372). Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

It is literally true, as the thankless say, that they have nothing to be thankful for. He who sits by the fire, thankless for the fire, is just as if he had no fire. Nothing is possessed save in appreciation, of which thankfulness is the indispensable ingredient. But a thankful heart hath a continual feast.
~W.J. Cameron

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