New Year's Eve Recipes

Molten Chocolate Lava Cakes

8 ounces bittersweet chocolate
2 sticks of butter
½ cup plus 2 Tbls. sugar
3 eggs
1/4 cup flour
Optional: ice cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly butter four 4-ounce custard cups. In double boiler, melt chocolate and then whisk in butter. Stir in sugar. In a small bowl, lightly beat eggs. Add some chocolate mixture to eggs to temper eggs. Carefully, stir egg mixture into chocolate mixture. Add flour and combine completely. Add batter to custard cups. Place on baking sheet and bake for 14 minutes. Centers should be soft but sides should be done. Let cool slightly, invert cups on individual serving plates. Remove cups after 2 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream.
The clock is ticking, you still have presents to wrap, last minute grocery shopping, who has time to think about the New Year's Eve menu? Well, I can help out, you have one week left to indulge! The Cookermom is taking full advantage, so here are some favorite recipes to enjoy on New Year's Eve. It is my tradition to make cheese fondue for an appetizer, make sure not to substitute the cheeses. The other appetizer I included is the tuna-tini, use fresh ahi tuna, it is absolutely addictive and very impressive served in a martini glass (I purchased mini ones from World Market). The salad is a the classic wedge, who doesn't love the wedge, a recent holiday party at Gibson's confirmed that when I noticed nearly everyone ordered "the wedge", so easy to make and a great do ahead salad that you can have already plated. The entree is my stuffed pork tenderloin, I have included a before and after photo, just reading the recipe may make it difficult to visualize. Dessert is molten chocolate lava cakes, I have take quite a bit of time perfecting this recipe, I think you will agree when you look at my photo of the chocolate perfectly oozing out. Enjoy the recipes, e-mail me if you have any questions. Have a wonderful New Year everyone! Happy Cooking!
My recipe CD with over 200 of my tried and true recipes from my nearly 20 years of cooking! Simply download the CD to your computer and you will be able to make your own notes and changes and print off for your grocery list! The cost is $20 plus $2 S&H. To order either send me a message on my blog or e-mail me at

Buche de Noel

A buche, or Yule log, is a jelly roll-style cake that is decorated to look like a log sitting in the snow on the forest floor. A sponge cake is baked in a very shallow pan, frosted with what I think of as the best of all frostings the classic French buttercream and rolled up. At this point you can wrap and refrigerate it for up to 3 days, or freeze the cake for a month, along with the rest of the frosting that you will use to cover the "log" the day you serve it. Defrost the cake and frosting in the refrigerator for a day.

Room temperature eggs are essential here, but you can bring chilled eggs up to it by putting them in a bowl of warm water for 15 minutes or so. Also, note that you sift the flour two times before measuring it.
4 large eggs, at room temperature
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 cup twice sifted cake flour

Chocolate Buttercream: (for filling)
1 stick unsalted butter
½ cup powdered sugar
Pinch of salt
1tsp. vanilla
1 oz. melted bittersweet chocolate
Cream the butter in the bowl of a stand mixer, add remaining ingredients.

Chocolate Ganache: (for frosting)
11/2 cups cream
6oz. chocolate
4 Tbls. butter
Heat cream until hot, pour over chocolate and whisk until incorporated, whisk in butter. Use while warm or it will be difficult to spread.

Meringue Mushrooms:
2 egg whites
Pinch of cream of tarter
¼ cup sugar

Beat egg whites with cream of tartar; gradually add sugar until stiff peaks form, place in pastry bag with plain round tip, pipe out circles and domes. Bake at 225 for about 1 hour. Dust with coca powder. Trim points off stems and adhere top to stem with melted chocolate. Makes about 10 mushrooms.

Preheat oven to 375 jellyroll baking pan. Line it with parchment paper. Put the eggs, baking powder, salt and vanilla into a mixer bowl. With a whisk attachment, beat 2 minutes at high speed. Lower speed to medium, pour in the sugar, and beat another 3 minutes, or until pale and very thick. Take speed down to low and add the flour. Run the mixer about 20 seconds, stop, and remove the bowl and beater. Then, using the whisk attachment, stir the batter a few times to thoroughly blend in the flour. Don't over mix. Turn the batter into the pan, spreading out smoothly.

Bake 10-12 minutes, or until a tester slipped into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool. Spread a dishtowel on a counter and place cake pan on upside down, gently remove cake and peel off parchment. Spread the buttercream over the top of the cake. Using the towel lift the cake, roll it up from the long side, tucking the cake in snugly as you go. Wrap in the foil and refrigerate up to 3 days, or freeze up to one month.

To finish the buche: Early on the day you want to serve the buche, bring the cake to room temperature. Spread sheets of wax paper or foil over the edges of a long serving platter so you can pull them away once you have frosted the log. Set the cake log atop the paper. At an angle, cut away a piece from one end of the cake. Place the piece you cut away atop the roll to resemble a branch (optional), using a dab of frosting to make it stick to the roll.

Frost the entire log with ganache. Use a fork to make groves running the length of the log to resemble bark. At the ends of the log, draw concentric rings into the frosting to resemble the cut end of a log.

Pull away the pieces of wax paper or foil along the edge of the platter. Sift a dusting of cocoa onto the platter around the log to look like earth. Shake out the sifter and place several big tablespoons of powdered sugar to it. Sift the sugar over the cake and plate to look like a dusting of snow.

Tuck a few sprigs of holly or other greenery around the buche, removing them before serving.
To hold, refrigerate the buche, but serve it close to room temperature.
Makes enough for one 10-inch long buche de noel, serving 10-12.
Hello all,

Last week, I posted some pictures from the recipes available on my new CD, this week I will start adding the recipes to the photos. The recipes are in the following categories; appetizers, breakfast, sauces, salads, soups, sides, entrees and desserts also included is a monthly menu from the recipes available on the CD.

My recipe CD with over 200 of my tried and true recipes from my nearly 20 years of cooking! Simply download the CD to your computer and you will be able to make your own notes and changes and print off for your grocery list! This will make a great stocking stuffer at $20 plus $2 S&H. To order either send me a message on my blog or e-mail me at

One last note, watch me December 23rd on WGN (about 12:45 p.m.), I will be demonstrating my famous Seafood Lasagna with scallops, shrimp, fresh spinach and gruyere cheese layered with a cognac cream sauce (recipe also available on the CD).

Happy Cooking!

p.s. Check out my upcoming cooking classes link!

1 lb Ahi tuna – absolutely fresh, dark red, high quality “sushi grade”
1 Tbls. Fresh ginger
11/2 Tbls. soy sauce
1 tsp. rice wine vinegar
11/2 Tbls. canola or grapeseed oil
2 Tbls. toasted sesame oil
Pinch Black pepper—several turns from the peppermill works best

2 Tbls. chives

Diced avocado
1 tsp. minced garlic
about 1 Tbls. lime juice
salt to taste

Cut the tuna steak into small cubes (¼” or smaller) and coat with the marinade in bowl. Allow to marinate in the refrigerator until ready for assembly – 2-3 hours is best, add chives. Spoon into martini glass (line with greens if you would like) top with diced avocado and serve with tortilla chips.

Classic Cheese Fondue

1 garlic clove, halved
2/3 cup dry white wine
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
10 oz. Emmentaler cheese, grated
10 oz. Gruyere cheese, grated
1 Tbls. cornstarch
3 Tbls. kirsch
pinch of white pepper
pinch of freshly ground nutmeg
pinch of paprika
1 French bread, cubed

Rub the inside of a 4-quart saucepan with the garlic halves; discard the garlic. Pour the wine and lemon juice into the pan, set over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Gradually add the cheeses, stirring until the cheeses are combined 3-4 minutes.

In a small bowl whisk the cornstarch and kirsch until blended. As soon as the cheese begins to bubble, add the cornstarch mixture. Continue to cook gently, 2 to 3 minutes more, and then stir in the pepper, nutmeg and paprika. Reduce the heat to low and keep the fondue warm, stirring occasionally. Transfer to fondue pot.

Serves 6.

Iceberg Wedge

1 head iceberg lettuce, cut into 4 large wedges
1 cup grape tomatoes split down the middle
2 tablespoons green onion
bacon; crumbled

Blue cheese dressing:
1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
1 1/2 cups sour cream
1tsp. worcestshire
3/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
freshly ground black pepper

Remove outer leaves of lettuce and wash thoroughly in cold water. Drain and pat dry with paper towels then split into wedges and arrange on plates. Scatter grape tomato halves over and around the lettuce.
Make dressing by combining mayonnaise and sour cream in a large mixing bowl. Add worcestshire, fold in blue cheese, thin out with buttermilk and season with salt and pepper. Pour dressing over wedge and grape tomatoes. Top with green onions, bacon and more fresh ground pepper if desired. Serves 4.

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

1-2 Pork Tenderloin (depending on size)
8-10 strips uncooked bacon
1 large Portobello mushrooms
roasted red pepper
4 slices provolone cheese

Slice the pork tenderloin down the center on a diagonal, cut 2 slices from the center about ½ inch, pound flat. Slice the rest of the pork tenderloin and pound flat so that you have 8 pieces. Pare up the pieces. Lay a piece on the cutting board and place mushroom, then cheese on top, then a couple of roasted red pepper slices, top with pork tenderloin. Wrap a slice of bacon around pork tenderloin, then going the opposite way wrap another piece of bacon, turn over and secure and tie up with butchers twine. Grill on direct heat until bacon is crisp, finish an additional 5 minutes on indirect heat. Serves 4.

Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

2 pints fingerling potatoes
2 sprigs fresh rosemary; chopped
½ tsp. granulated garlic
1 Tbls. good quality aged balsamic vinegar
about ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Add potatoes and rosemary to a medium bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic, sprinkle garlic and season with salt and pepper. Pour potatoes onto sheet pan. Roast for about 25 minutes, or until crispy on outside and tender on inside.

Creamed Spinach

About 2 ½ pounds fresh cleaned spinach (stems removed)
¼ cup olive oil

3 Tbls. butter
2 Tbls. diced onion
2 tsp. minced garlic
3 Tbls. flour
1 cup milk
¼ cup grated parmesan
fresh grated nutmeg
white pepper
Lawry’s seasoning salt
4 slices cooked and crumbled bacon (optional)

Heat olive oil in sauté pan, add spinach (season with s&p) and cook, turning frequently until spinach has wilted, remove and place spinach in a colander to drain. Press out as much liquid as you can. Set aside.

Melt butter in a saucepan, add onion and sauté until translucent, add garlic and then flour to make a roux. Whisk in milk, add parmesan cheese in slowly whisking after each addition. Season with white pepper and nutmeg. Toss together spinach and sauce, season with Lawry’s seasoning salt and place in oven safe dish, sprinkle bacon over the top. Serves 6.
(Can be refrigerated at this point) and reheat in 350 degree oven until hot.

Molten Chocolate Lava Cakes

8 ounces bittersweet chocolate
2 sticks of butter
½ cup plus 2 Tbls. sugar
3 eggs
1/4 cup flour
Optional: ice cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly butter four 4-ounce custard cups. In double boiler, melt chocolate and then whisk in butter. Stir in sugar. In a small bowl, lightly beat eggs. Add some chocolate mixture to eggs to temper eggs. Carefully, stir egg mixture into chocolate mixture. Add flour and combine completely. Add batter to custard cups. Place on baking sheet and bake for 14 minutes. Centers should be soft but sides should be done. Let cool slightly, invert cups on individual serving plates. Remove cups after 2 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream.

Made by Lena